29 March, 2006
2006 Solar Eclipse
26 March, 2006
mohammad alQaq محمد القاق
25 March, 2006

Experts' description: Psychotic graphic designer goes off the edge. A childish person looking, but psycho from within in the middle of weird incident!
Almost 3 years ago, in June 2003 ,I had that amazing experience in practicing my acting talents :-) "Give me one reason not to…" a short movie, was the outcome of Amr Toukhy, the terrific director and friend.
Amr and myself got very excited when we wrote that funny script, the next day was in Abu-Lughod Studios where the voice-over got recorded. The main shooting was in the 3rd day at my wonderful friend's place, Ahmad Saqfalhait, who wanted to take the leading role of the movie but couldn’t :-). It was a quit tiring day for all of us :-). Honestly the starring role was for Amr and his creative eye. "Reason" was selected and nominated as follows:
- Amman Filmmakers Cooperative. check it here
- Emirates Film Competition '04, UAE, Arabic Panorama films screening. check it here
- Festival du Monde Arabe de Montréal '05, Canada. check it here
- Jordanian Short Film Festival '05, Jordan. check it here
Watch Reason:
Language: Arabic, Subtitles: English, Running time: 1 min 11 sec
19 March, 2006
Zait o Za3tar

Close your eyes… Go there and smell the