بعد عدة تجارب هنا وهناك، أخوض تجربة غنائية جديدة، لتكون النتيجة هي أغنيتي الأولى رسمياً "سَقطَتْ سهواً" موسيقى وإنتاج يوسف قعوار، كلمات وغناء محمد القاق
ربما لا أملك ما يكفي لأتحدث عن هذه التجربة من ناحية المدرسة الموسيقية، أو تأليف كلماتها التجريدية وغنائها، أو الجهد الذي بُذل لتنفيذها، فسوف أترك كل ذلك لآذان المستمعين. لكن أقول بأنَ الغناء الملتزم في زمن "الهشك بشك" كان وما زال حلماً لدي، مرافق لبقية أحلامي اللتي أسعى في تنفيذها في عالم الفن والإعلام. مدين بعمق ليوسف لأنه آمن بصوتي ليرافق موسيقاه . رأيكم الهادف يهمني
"سَقطَتْ سهواً" متاحة للجميع هنا على خبيزة،
ويمكن تحميلها من هنا Download it here
(right click on the link, and then save link as/save target as)
ربما لا أملك ما يكفي لأتحدث عن هذه التجربة من ناحية المدرسة الموسيقية، أو تأليف كلماتها التجريدية وغنائها، أو الجهد الذي بُذل لتنفيذها، فسوف أترك كل ذلك لآذان المستمعين. لكن أقول بأنَ الغناء الملتزم في زمن "الهشك بشك" كان وما زال حلماً لدي، مرافق لبقية أحلامي اللتي أسعى في تنفيذها في عالم الفن والإعلام. مدين بعمق ليوسف لأنه آمن بصوتي ليرافق موسيقاه . رأيكم الهادف يهمني
"سَقطَتْ سهواً" متاحة للجميع هنا على خبيزة،
ويمكن تحميلها من هنا Download it here
(right click on the link, and then save link as/save target as)
مجرى مياهٍ يلتفُ حَولي
يشعِلُ قلبي وهجاً يُغني آه
بعد غفوةٍ في الليلِ دامتْ سهواً
أصواتْ تروي لنا
كيفَ يكونُ السفرُ بعيداً عن حَولِنا
فرصةُ في وقتٍ يتلاشى قبلَ الموتِ
وهمٌ، أم حلمٌ يَسلِبُني
من غرضٍ في عَقلي يَرْفُضُني
سِحراً وخَيالاً في نفسي
فتراهُ مبهماً وخفياً
ربما فوقَ السّماءْ
يا ليلي يا ليلي يا، ياليل
بعد غفوةٍ في الليلِ سَقطَتْ سهواً
رُبما في وقتٍ يتلاشى قبلَ الـــ
كيفَ يكونُ السفرُ بعيداً عن حَولِنا، فلا مجالَ
وهل رأيتَ الناسَ تطيرُ من قبلِنا؟
فلأُجرّب سكوتاً قليلاً
يشعِلُ قلبي وهجاً يُغني آه
بعد غفوةٍ في الليلِ دامتْ سهواً
أصواتْ تروي لنا
كيفَ يكونُ السفرُ بعيداً عن حَولِنا
فرصةُ في وقتٍ يتلاشى قبلَ الموتِ
وهمٌ، أم حلمٌ يَسلِبُني
من غرضٍ في عَقلي يَرْفُضُني
سِحراً وخَيالاً في نفسي
فتراهُ مبهماً وخفياً
ربما فوقَ السّماءْ
يا ليلي يا ليلي يا، ياليل
بعد غفوةٍ في الليلِ سَقطَتْ سهواً
رُبما في وقتٍ يتلاشى قبلَ الـــ
كيفَ يكونُ السفرُ بعيداً عن حَولِنا، فلا مجالَ
وهل رأيتَ الناسَ تطيرُ من قبلِنا؟
فلأُجرّب سكوتاً قليلاً
I love it... you are truly talented... Good job...
the lyrics are really intense and need to be reflected upon...
كمستمعة، أقول شكرا لأنك كشفت عن موهبة أخرى تحملها!
استمتعت بالصوت و أعجبتني الكلمات والألحان.
بس عندي سؤال، ليش بالفصحى؟ و مفكر تغني بالعامية أو لا؟
I loved the mixing, Music Intro and your voice...it's warm and you hit nice notes.
on the other hand, although the musician did a great job with the instruments...he wasn't as good in composing a harmonious melody that expresses every word telling a story on its own...see, music is just like a story...gotta have a begining, middle and ending that flows smoothly yet shifts emotions...he did great at the begining, the Intro i mean ...not the whole theme...sometimes, the music was off beat and he changed tune suddenly.
I guess with experience he can be great... he must've done a lot of effort to do that playing and mixing all by himself.
Contemp. Music is a fav. to me too and i would love to hear more of you.
Thanks for sharing your first born :)
The song is looping over here
:D cant stop smiling :DDDDD
love you Foxi Qoxi
great job you guys :) Thank you Yusef :)
this is fantastic Qaq .... glad i finally heard one of your songs.
Best regards to Yousif for giving these words the mood they deserve.
keep them coming,
Salam Homoud
Hello Mohammad,
I just finished listening to your first song, first of all congratulations ! then I'd like to say that I'm quit impressed by the beautiful interaction between the lyrics, the theme, the music composition and of course the voice. I truly, honestly and eternally wish you the best of luck, looking forward for new productions..
all the best,
Mohd Musa
Congratulations... the song is nice and ur voice also.. when do u want to release ur first Album.?
Gorgeous vocal performance! Viva la multi-talented Qaq!
This is amazing!
walak shoo hada? your voice is amazing, the music is beautiful...i can't believe it!
I'm reading some comments asking u to sing in 3ammeyyeh, and flash backs to when people where surprised that we wanna sing in 3ammyyeh .. inkalbat el 2ayeh ya man...
good job ya3teek el 3afyeh ;)
Good Job Dude! I like it :)
Hi Mohammad!
It is REALLY great!!
I love it...Way to go!
Keep up the good work!!
talented min yomak!!
i loved it. mo is this really your voice! where have you been? we need singers like you man. alf mabrook, the song is awesome, everything is perfect, and i loved the lyrics and the decent classical music (though the music was very loud at some parts, which made the lyrics unclear) but in all ya3teekom el 3afyih
Wow man! Didn't know you sing.
I like!
Cant stop playing it !
its just amazing...
شو هالموود الصوفي يامان... أنا مصدوم بشكل إيجابي
صوتك دحة دحة
Well, you know what? perfection is possible.. i cant believe it, you and the musician did the right thing.
Good job, I loved the music though in some part it gets out of the tempo, the lyrics is I dunno, didnt understand anything.
if u canceled the "ya lail" part it would be better, thats my opinion :)
i just want to thank you for what you've already done.. your voice is something else, different, unique..wow
people.. many thanks for your comments
man you have a very great voice, you should keep on and make more songs....2shtaktelak 7abebe...shadi
I'm shocked after hearing your voice, i can't believe how warm and professional it is. i can't stop listening to your song, it's unique and i thought that none can do such one now adays. melodies are wonderful too. please keep it up and let us hear you more, you should be on the top of the stars honestly.
Hello Mohammad
I just want to say that your song is one of the most beatiful song I have ever heard!!!
really it is amazing
I wonder why you did not make it before
we are lucky coz we have something like this song here in Joradn:))
good luck
simply WOw, this was really refreshing to hear.
I always Knew you going to make a great singer/song writer. keep the good things coming.
I m so proud of you and wish you great success
always keep me in touch
i loved the song it is sooooooo cool Mo. i loved ur voice and the music.
ya3teak el3afyeh
keep up the good work.
voice is very nice
the music.... khabsa, jad muz3jeh...
and Couldn't understand the song, what you want to say?!
bas jad your voice is good.
I like the way you search for renovation in everything all the time.. nice start, the song, the lyrics and the voice.. new theme :) Allah ywaf2ak
Any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day. when i see you, hear you, listen to what what you always think of... the heart you hold in between, the emotions you never left, how tenderly, kind, humane, artist you are all added make you an extra ordinary person, and in fact extra-ordinary Qaq.
Great Job of great persons You & Kawar
ali hammouri
انا عرفت مدونتك صدفة عن طريق موقع عمان نت بالحقيقة مدونة رائعة والاغنية اروع
I love it.
I always wanted to write/record my own song, but never did.
Your song is amazing, I like it.
As an experiment I would file this under "interesting".
As a song I would say that it is lost somewhere between being a purposefully disjointed/deconstructed composition and conventional Arabic singing.
A courageous experiment nonetheless.
No need for "Multazim/Serious" labels Mohammad :-)
If you are interested in Arabic music experimentation you might want to see this concert by Dutch-Moroccan group Weshm, held in Darat al Funun in 2001 (luckily captured on video by JordanHere.com).
Be warned: long performance and very deconstructed.
ALf mabrouk Mohamad more and more creativity to come i believe.
i listened to it and i liked it very much.
Best of luck with your next work.
OMG...im sorry i was jst gonna download t nd leave the site...but man...I couldnt...u really deserve an applause for this =D....i cant believe ts ur first time...such a great great voice dancing on a WOWISH music...dunno wt to say..congratulations...for the lyrics...the voice...the music...dedication for arts!!!!
congrats for BEING YOU :)
Mireille Darwish
Hey all, I'm truly speechless, commetns where so nice and people were so supportive here and all aournd me, i'm really so happy
Shaden, Fos7a is our language that i adore, and yes for 3ammyeh i like it too.
rasha, thanx for your point of view, in all cases i'm happy cause you heard it in your own way, and writing all that means you liked it :)
nagham, album!! not for the time being :)
alaa, maybe you're not used to the "break beat" that's why you thought that tempo went off. also the lyrics are written if you want to read and think.
Humeid, thanx for your interesting anatomy :) for me Multazim is the word for this song and for my singing experience in all. me & yousef believe in music that people are not used to hear, we also believe that there is no limits in the music theories
bad anonymousES, give me something logical under a real name so i can discuss it with you.
Humaid.. Thanks for your artistic comment but How did you first get into ?, and what made you want to be a ? i didn't know you are a musician :)
what I propose to do here is not to preach, but to take a step back and look at the music theory and musicology.. It is not about
If a song's time signature is 6/8, and if you were to simplify it (a.k.a. shorten the number of beats per measure and extend the rythmic value of the basic beat), you would have two basic beats instead of 6. Since there are 2 basic beats..
What does it mean when a chord is "augmented"? the same questions is how much do you love music?
we must learn how to make faith in our arts.. Whats inside is outside
Moh, there is no need to mention my name, but I want to tell you that you are one of the most interesting characters I’ve seen in my life. I actually met you twice, but maybe you’ll not recognize me if we meet again, but you are a real human in this wild life, everybody talk about you and know you and know how down to earth you are, how creative and productive, and how you help people around you, and make everyone happy, I don’t know why am I writing this, but I think because your song made me so emotional, or it could be your warm voice that melting my heart every time I hear it (nonstop), this song is so great musically as well. I keep wondering what was your point behind the lyrics, is it love, life, catching time?? Or maybe all that, anyways your voice will be on the top and recognized because it’s not like any voice. You always impress people with everything you do in your life or online. Please moh go ahead and don’t look around, and be sure that your spirit will take you very high (fawaka alsama’a). God bless your perfect steps. Never stop singing, we want your only voice
Felling the ambiance of a sixties song with a passionate yet some dark lyrics in to it only a unique, distinctive, multi talented, creative and complex character can achieve that kind of greatness a job well done Hamood and very vibrant composition from you Yousef.
Hoping that this will be the beginning of something exceptional in our music industry.
Keep it up guys.
After reading the above comments, I was thinking it is one of two: Either I have no taste in good music, or the art of issuing compliments is well practiced by people.
I tend to agree with Ahmad Humeid, and I think that Yousef Kawar should be a little bit more flexible with accepting criticism as long as it is constructive. Even after 13 years of experience, we do not stop learning and growing.
The song is interesting, just like Mohammad Qaq himself, who is active on many levels in the community. The voice is definitely warm and cheerful, but the lyrics and music give the audience a gloomy feel. Thus, I am confused as to what I should get out of it. At some point, I felt everyone was lost. Maybe that is because this is the first expirement for both of you as a team, and you felt you should put all you have in your first piece of work together regardless of whether it goes well overall or not.
I would classify the song as something that I need to listen to at least 5 times only to understand it. And then it still would not be a favorite for me because it seems distant. However, it is unique and unusual; something we are not used to hearing. So I give it up for you in terms of originality.
I really like your voice. Naturally, the more you work on it, the better it will become.
I hope you respect my opinion as I respect yours.
Regards :)
Thanks Hala, i appreciate your comment especially when you mentioned it is unique and unusual and something we are not used to hearing :) and that is what I'm looking for.. Different is good.
Music, Space, schools.. you name it and you can follow what you like.
Great job guys :D keep them coming..
wow...amazing song...man your voice is so warm...you are very talented....waiting for the video clip...good luck
I can say that i am a big fan mo qaq :) also keep dealing with kawar, you guys are doing great. beautiful work
Qaq, im seriously impressed. I have heard you sing before and already knew you could, but this... is out of this world...
Congratulations on choosing such wonderfully written lyrics!
All the best in the future...
Hello. I am a complete stranger to you and to your blog. But I had to comment on your song. It is such a creative makeup of lyrics, music and voice. It is quite eccentric, which is probably why it won't be a commercial hit if that's what you're looking for. Unless, of course, you come out on video dressed like haifa and acting like dana ;) Unfortunately, this is what has become of the arab world.
dear Al-Qaq the great (aka khobbeizeh), if i may comment after all those people, as a musicology teacher, i would say that your voice is very remarkable, deep with a warm roupy. if you go ahead, i think you'll be a very important singer indeed, because your tone of voice is very rare (and improvement will be more by time). also never stop writing lyrics, your language is strong.
to Kawar, i tell you that you also has a unique music, and you know smartly how to do something diffrent. I congrat you on what you did in your notes/beats, and i advice you to take more chances and abuse Al-Qaq's voice.
the conclusion: a 2 thumbs up song. go ahead and never stop
be basata ... ash3ar badani ... all my respects to you my very precious freind ...
again and again I'm speechless, and i thank all for your support and for your great your comments above.... thank you so much people :)))
Raed, thank you so much for your sweet comment and glad you liked the music.. i would love to hear your music or to read something about you. Is there anything you did? Benefits of teaching music are creativity and innovation. I love music theories (private space) and Please keep visiting to see what is new :) there is always new stuff.
I just wanted to thank you for taking your time to say something clear and nice.
And thank you all SO much for your wonderful comments :)
Guys Guys Guys, i did not hear something Great like this since "The Doors" old days listen to the first minute of each "try playing both at the same time" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHFK1yKfiGo&feature=related , congratulations 1 million times .... any albums in the market, that we dont about in the market? by the way Fus-7a fits well ....
nice voice, nice tunes and lyrics ,, but poor arranging though it's great for a start,,, keep up the good work ,,we'll be waiting for more,,
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