This time my trip to Beirut is different, you can feel people's sadness... inshAalla they will get over everything, and they will stand again no matter what! Let me share these stuff that I found here:

I found this poster in most of the streets; I really liked its concept (not the artwork). I translated the Arabic words.

A very nice and simple exhibition, presented by Espace SD and xanadu. Nafas Beirut is a platform for artists, poets, writers and filmmakers to share their work produced during or in reaction to the Israeli siege of Lebanon of Summer 2006. It will stay until November 17th, 2006. Check out these black comedy caricatures.

شي براس شي بلا راس
This is an awesome postcards booklet that I got from the art shop at Espace SD. Based on "head", the Lebanese designer debOrah Phares created all those hilarious ideas and made me laugh like crazy :-) here is some samples.

UNunited colors of AUB is a sarcastic & sad figure that shows the sectarianism in Lebanon (here, it shows the American University of Beirut as one of the examples). I got this paper from an Italian journalist, he was shocked and disappointed … Lebanon, I beg you to stop all these things and pay attention to your beautiful land and future… you're the dream.

A mural that I found in Barometer, a restaurant & pub at Bliss. Nice poem :-)

It's out of this post :-) and it's not Lebanese... it's my book-light clip that I got from Zone, Solidaire, it's so nice and practical, it's now the only light I see on my books before I sleep, isn't it cute :-)
bee-yoo-tee-full :D
wish I was able to join you, but I couldnt... kulloh min Amr!! hehe no no, on the contrary we had a blast... especially celebrating his birthday with TOMEX LOL!!
yalla we'll go there another time, but NOT Beirut, I wanna go visit the mountains and subarbs.... and very soon nshallah, jerusalem and safad. I wanna see your grandma's house Qoxi :( bi izen allah!
R and M Rousan, your pix are beautiful, and you guys are talented, honestly :)
Mohammad this is one of your best posts ever, AWESOME :-) I really enjoyed all those stuff :-) amazing!
Hi, I tried posting this to the main blog but didnt manage. Anyway, I have no connection or link with Lebanon, but have just returned from a trip to Dubai where I bought a copy of Julia Boutros latest single, because the Labanese Salesboy at Virgin store told me that all money from that CD would go towards helping the families of the victims of the Israeli attacks this year. I was really touched and bought the CD, it is excellent and has deeply sensitised me towards the suffering of the people of lebanon. However, since I am not a muslim and speak no arabic, I will appreciate if someone would send me an english pronouncation and more improtantly an English translation of the lyrics of the song Ahibaii. My email is . Please feel free to publish my above comments on the relevant blog. Thanks.
oho my God
fantastic stuff and very original post.
great Job Khobbiezhe
Xe*n, thanx my dear, inshalla we go together next time, to Jerusalem kaman ... ya rab :-)
anonymous, Murad, thank you very much guys, appreciate it :-)
harb, Julia is waw for sure, thanx for your support, will do my best to get back to you ASAP with a translation for the song, inshalla
Very interesting :)
However, on the AUB sect drawing, I vividly remember the ground infront of West Hall when I visited AUB a year ago, and this is something that my friends told me, how shabab il mostaqabal (Hariri's Youth Party) wore blue or held blue banners whenever a political situation arises - i'm not sure if it's blue or I'm mistaken, and all the other sects too, 7izb allah, 7izb amal... etc. What I'm trying to remember what color stands for what?
But however, if my memory helps me, they are actual student political parties/bodies founded and voted for each year in the institution, which really makes me wonder, why are student parties PROHIBITED in Jordanian Universities? Hmm...
Hello you r on Jordan Planet :) Mabrooooookz
I know, thanx dar :-)
hey dude!!! NICE BLOG!!! I really like it, Gr8 job with the graphics, the interviews, and simply...EVERYTHING!! and btw, nice post!! keep up the good work!! ;)
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