28 May, 2006

In exile في المنفى

إلى الفلسطينيين في العالم - دعوة للمشاركة
بدأ العمل والتحضير لكتاب "القدس في المنفى – ذكريات مجسّدة" للفنان ستيف سابيلا، وهو كتاب جديد في مجاله، يسعى لاستكشاف العلاقة البصرية بالقدس لدى الفلسطينيين الذين يعيشون في الشتات، وأيضاً الذين يعيشون في الوطن ولا يستطيعون الوصول إلى مدينتهم؛ حيث سيتيح المشروع تجسيد الصور التي يحملها فلسطينيون في مخيّلاتهم وذاكرتهم عن القدس و ستظهر هذه المشاركات على موقع القدس في المنفى. وفيما بعد سيتم توثيق التجربة في كتاب فنّي يتولى تحريره الشاعر نجوان درويش، حيث سيضم الكتاب نصوصاً وشهادات عن القدس، من بينها كتابات لأسماء فلسطينية هامة في الفكر والفن. كما سيتم تقديمه على هيئة معرض فنّي كبير يُفتتح في القدس ليتجول بعدها في العالم. سيتم إختيار بعض مساهماتكم لتظهر في الكتاب. الجميع مدعو للمشاركة وإبلاغ الآخرين، كل التفاصيل هنا

An Invitation to Palestinians Across the World
Work started on the preparation of an exceptional book with a new concept "Jerusalem in exile – tangible memories" by artist Steve Sabella. The book seeks to explore the visual images of Jerusalem in the minds of Palestinians who live in the Diaspora, as well as Palestinians who live in Palestine but are incapable of reaching their city. The project will photographically materialize the various mental images Palestinians have of Jerusalem in their memories and imagination. These participations will be presented on the "Jerusalem in exile" web site, and this art experience will be documented in a book which will be edited by poet Najwan Darwish. The book will compile various testimonies and texts on Jerusalem and other related subjects by a number of distinguished Palestinians artists, intellectuals and participants. Some of these contributions will form the book.
All are invited to participate and spread the word, details are here.

20 May, 2006

Cheer up

I got this video 2 months ago, and every time I want something to cheer me up I go immediately and play it, isn't it so cute :D

15 May, 2006

Quick reminder

Today is 15/5/2006… 58 years of an ongoing Nakba "the Israeli occupation of Palestine"… for every human being and every barbarian Zionist on this earth, this is just a quick reminder that Palestine is Our Home Land and Jerusalem is our Capital. Sooner or later, sons of Zion will be just a black fairy tail about the deceit and oppression.

The winner of the best poster commemorating the Palestinian Nakba in 2006 is the Palestinian arts designer Tayseer al-Batniji from the Gaza Strip "

14 May, 2006

Al Hannouneh show/ updates

The show was amazing, full of life, colorful eurhythmics and our perfect folk songs. All the Palestinian hearts there were filled with hope, moving on the dance of freedom, singing with one voice: Mawtini Mawtini… Khobbeizeh would like to thank Al Hannouneh and every single organizer/power behind their success, wonderful Job guys, ya3teekom el3afyeh :-)
My camera did not help a lot, but nevertheless, you can check out some photos here, and watch a preview:

11 May, 2006

Al Hannouneh show

In the memory of Al nakbeh, let's support Al Hannouneh!

Al Hannouneh society for popular culture is holding a cultural and folkloric night in the memory of Al nakbeh (15/5/1948); do not miss the amazing activities, and the trip between Jafa, Ajloun, Jerusalem, Kerak and many others in song and dance!

Time & place: Sunday, may 14th,8:30 pm, Holiday Inn hotel, Amman
Schedule of the event:Presentation on "Al nakbeh", Musical and folkloric dance performance (part 1), Honoring the sponsors, Auction on a traditional folkloric dress, Musical and folkloric dance performance (part 2), Quizzes on cultural and historical subjects and Buffet dinner.

Ticket's price: JD 25
For tickets reservation & more info: 06-5052829, 07-95222512, 07-96100140

Overview: For 15 years on, “Al Hannouneh Society for Popular Culture” has been working on the collection and preservation of cultural heritage and popular arts of the East Mediterranean area. they have created the biggest cultural library in the area and have participated in many cultural events locally and abroad. With over 150 members, their mission also, is to mediate the ever so beautiful heritage onto the new generations, to teach them about the habits, costumes, legends, seasons, songs and dances of their ancestors. They hope to revive this heritage and represent it in an artistic way to appeal to the modern audience.

09 May, 2006

Time to say goodbye

Yesterday I've gathered the forsaken cassette tapes that I still have, from Um Klathoom, Fairuz & Warda, to the Lebanese 70's songs, then Amr Diab, Simone, Hamid Elshairi and the rest of 80's and 90's Arabic music… The English oldies, Beatles and Aabba, 80's Rock and Pop, Madonna and "NOW" hits… almost 570 tapes! (Not to forget that I threw out almost the same amount 3 years ago!).

Now, since we're drowning in the world of the CD's, are cassette tapes worth keeping? I asked myself, and will they become antiquities one day? Then what will happen when we'll ask the same question soon about CD's? However, I only kept 30 lovable tapes for the sake of the beautiful memories, and maybe for the coming generation's zest :-) for the rest tapes, I say goodbye…

03 May, 2006

Influence of the pro-Israel lobby!

Last March, a serious study has been published to become, in my opinion, another important historical documentation for the ongoing Zionism's crimes. It's an alarm bell to the American People before Arabs!

"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" is the title of this study, written by John Mearsheimer, political science professor at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, academic dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

"This situation has no equal in American political history" says the study, and "Why has the United States been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state?" ask authors! According to the study, the simple answer was the influence of the pro-Israel lobby. Since World War II, the United States has channeled $140 billion in support to Israel! It will also describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.

The study was immediately attacked by a number of pro-Israel organizations and groups, and the Israel lobby launched its usual "anti-Semitic defamation" campaign against both professors. "We fully recognized that the lobby would retaliate against us", Prof. Mearsheimer said. "It was clear to us that many people understood the problem that we describe in the piece but were afraid to talk about it... because the lobby would retaliate" say authors.

full PDF document is here
83 pages, but absolutely worth reading