Last Sunday, a very cool informal meeting/ Q&A session happened at Orangered space in Jabal Weibdeh, with Ambassador Mr. Patrick Relauld, Head of the European Commission Delegation, moderated by the wonderful Samar Dudin. Lama Hazboun & Sawsan Habib, we can not thank you enough for this important initiative. Basically, the meeting aimed to engage in a dialogue on Cultural policy and EU support for local art in Jordan. The Theme of the encounter emerged out of a youth driven discourse online which exposed many questions and views around international & local collaboration to support culture across Jordan & the Mediterranean. More details here.Khobbeizeh in collaboration with EU people would like to take that further into a continuous open discussion via this post, so if you're an artist or cultural activist or supporter,
just leave your comment/suggestion here (in English or Arabic) and be sure that your voice is heard.
"EU is all ears for Jordan’s Art", spread the word.