Last Sunday, a very cool informal meeting/ Q&A session happened at Orangered space in Jabal Weibdeh, with Ambassador Mr. Patrick Relauld, Head of the European Commission Delegation, moderated by the wonderful Samar Dudin. Lama Hazboun & Sawsan Habib, we can not thank you enough for this important initiative. Basically, the meeting aimed to engage in a dialogue on Cultural policy and EU support for local art in Jordan. The Theme of the encounter emerged out of a youth driven discourse online which exposed many questions and views around international & local collaboration to support culture across Jordan & the Mediterranean. More details here.Khobbeizeh in collaboration with EU people would like to take that further into a continuous open discussion via this post, so if you're an artist or cultural activist or supporter,
just leave your comment/suggestion here (in English or Arabic) and be sure that your voice is heard.
"EU is all ears for Jordan’s Art", spread the word.
I would say we need more platforms and spaces so people can see and hear more about alternative artists. we should work more on that. actually khobbeizeh is a great example, so thank you
I am fairly negative :) mixed salad.. It is the artist not the EU
Will support this cause Khobbeizeh!
shame that initiatives come always from outsiders! why not the government or any local agencies do that? why don't we get the support from US. also how can i contact the E.U directly? and elqaq this is for you, i want to hear you singing more, you are not active enough when it comes to that, while you have a voice that no one else has. also thank you for your khobezeh, it's pretty good.
perfect call khobbeizeh. you have all my support
Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful support.
anonymous 2: thank you, i agree that we should get more attention form our country and its government. i hope things will be solved soon. as for the singing part "blush" thanx, but for me singing is not a career, though it's very close to my heart, but inchalla i shall take it further very soon, actually please come to the 3rd space concert where I'll be singing 2 short cuts :)
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