29 March, 2006

2006 Solar Eclipse

Since I was very young, I always wanted to watch a total eclipse of the sun, unfortunately it never worked… BUT only few minutes ago it was the perfect time… Amman, March 29th 2006. I was so excited, for my safety I put on my very special Safe Solar Eclipse Glasses… I was so happy standing in my room's balcony. The sky was very clear, no clouds at all… and yessssss! I saw the eclipse very clearly and took some wonderful photos, lucky me :D

26 March, 2006

mohammad alQaq محمد القاق

محمد القاق هو فنّان بصري، حصل على بكالوريوس في الفنون البصرية، وعمل كمخرج فني في  روبيكون لمدة 6 سنوات، حتى  نهاية2005، وهو نفس العام الذي مثّل فيه الأردن في ملتقى الإعلام الرقمي بفرنسا. محمد يستعمل عدة منصات فنيّة للتعبير عن أفكاره، فهو ايضا ُمغني، صانع أفلام قصيرة، يمارس التمثيل، التقديم، التصوير الفوتوغرافي، و تقييم مشاريع طلاب الفنون في عدة جامعات، وأيضا هو مدرب رياضة الرقص-زومبا

 ،هو صاحب أول مدونة فيديو في الوطن العربي "خبّيزة" التي كانت السبب القوي لدخوله إلى عالم الإعلام، شهرة أعماله وقيامه بعدة مبادارت مثل "شعشبونة" لقاء التدوين الأردني الأول، الكتابة في مجلة بلب، المشاركه في مشروع شبكة رسل  .  الحرية، وإنضمامه الى حبر كمؤسس، مدير فني، مدرّب ومدير للمساحة. يعمل محمد أيضا بشكل رئيسي كمدرب وسائط متعددة ويركز على رواية القصة الرقمية بصرياً. عمل مؤخراً كمخرج فني لمبادرة فكرزيون، منصة تلفزيون عربية وغير ربحية . على شبكة الإنترنت، كما أخرج النسخة رقم ١١ من مسرح فكر جديد. ترقبوا برنامجه التلفزيوني الجديد

mohammad alQaq is a visual artist, with a BA in visual art. He has 6 years of work experience at Rubicon as art director. By the end of 2005, he decided to embark on various personal projects. In the same year, He represented Jordan in France’s International Digital Media Meeting. mohammad uses different platforms to express his ideas: he's a singer and filmmaker. He's also a practicing actor, presenter, and photographer. He often serves as a judge panelist for creative graduation projects at several universities. mohammad is also a trainer/instructor for the dance exercise, Zumba. 

His popular blog "Khobbeizeh", the first video-blog in the arab region, allowed him to venture into the world of media, paving the way for different initiatives such as establishing “sha-shaboneh”, the first Jordanian blogging meeting; writing in Pulp magazine, participating in the Freedom Messengers Network; and joining Hiber as a co-founder, trainer and space director. mohammad also works mainly as a multimedia trainer and helps people to tell their digital stories visually. Recently he was the creative director of Fikrezyon, the non-profit arabic online TV platform, and the Director of New Think Theater #11. He's preparing for his new TV show, so stay tuned @moalQaq

25 March, 2006


It was a brief gem that combined simple but elegant camerawork with a hilariously offbeat premise! "Nicholas Seeley, JO magazine, May '05"

Experts' description:
Psychotic graphic designer goes off the edge. A childish person looking, but psycho from within in the middle of weird incident!

Almost 3 years ago, in June 2003 ,I had that amazing experience in practicing my acting talents :-) "Give me one reason not to…" a short movie, was the outcome of Amr Toukhy, the terrific director and friend.
Amr and myself got very excited when we wrote that funny script, the next day was in Abu-Lughod Studios where the voice-over got recorded. The main shooting was in the 3rd day at my wonderful friend's place, Ahmad Saqfalhait, who wanted to take the leading role of the movie but couldn’t :-). It was a quit tiring day for all of us :-). Honestly the starring role was for Amr and his creative eye. "Reason" was selected and nominated as follows:
I would like to thank Amman Filmmakers Cooperative and Royal Film Commission for their support all the time.

Watch Reason:
Language: Arabic, Subtitles: English, Running time: 1 min 11 sec

19 March, 2006

Zait o Za3tar

Close your eyes… Go there and smell the Orange groves, eat the wonderful grapes … take a nap under an olive green tree, then thank her for tasty Oil and a yummy zaitoon. have some natural honey, fresh fig, green apple or sweet Kunafa. Or maybe you're now walking next to the brilliant architecture… chatting with the warm people … very educated and dedicated…honest and believers … graceful decent women and noble men with sparkling eyes!

You're there … in the heart of the world, the heart of Arab countries ... miracles are around you… Archangel Gabriel visited Merriam… Jesus born, lived and preached his people… Mohammad led all the prophets in Prayer then went for "Esra & Me'raj journey… Abraham…Moses … [peace be on them all]. Well, miracles are still happening there, because now …it's the land of the Struggle and strugglers! … Welcome to Palestine. Welcome to my Blog, mohammad alQaq.

(Check out the slide photos from Palestine. Those selected photos were taken from the multimedia CD " this is Palestine ©" by the Palestinian photojournalist George Azar)