Today is 15/5/2006… 58 years of an ongoing Nakba "the Israeli occupation of Palestine"… for every human being and every barbarian Zionist on this earth, this is just a quick reminder that Palestine is Our Home Land and Jerusalem is our Capital. Sooner or later, sons of Zion will be just a black fairy tail about the deceit and oppression.

" The winner of the best poster commemorating the Palestinian Nakba in 2006 is the Palestinian arts designer Tayseer al-Batniji from the Gaza Strip "
Well you know what they say 1 mans nakbar is another mans cornucopia. You losers should get used to not having a home land. You don’t deserve 1.
A quick reminder for you there is no Palestine & Jerusalem is very obviously not your capital. Just like Arabfat lied about being born there now we know Arab lies about Israel / Judea don’t even stop after they die that is why he had born in Jerusalem carved into his tomb stone. He was a liar unlike you who is just ignorant and stupid.
Does anyone deserve a good Nakba more than the Arabs I say No.
They deserve what they got for thousands of years of oppression of any people who lived in the region. Not to mention that everything is the devil attitude. Civilization=The Devil, Science=The Devil, Western Society=The Devil, Jews=The Devil, Women’s rights=The Devil, Democracy=The Devil what a bunch of whine little women the Arabs have become. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Ain’t Karma a beatch.
Here is to the continuing joy of Nakba may the next 58 years of it be as good as the first 58.
Funny Someone like you would talk about ignorance because first of all your comment didn't make sense and second of all Palestine is our land no matter what you say Zionist !!So your words won't break our spirit,this will make us stronger !!and go learn some english as well please!
and Mohammed great work!Lets show them that arabs are not cowards like them !
Well, i think that ppl should read more about history, religion and politics , and then they can comment on such a big event in the history of the world...
The zionists and who follow them deeply realize that they will leave our Palestine , if not today it will be in soon future.
am I dreamer? Simply No, I am believer. i do believe in Allah and I understand our holy Qur'an...
all the muslims have to realize one thing: As long as we behave as what Allah ordering us, Palestine and all islamic lands will be back to us, and as long as we follow the devil's steps ,The victory will be away from us.
the FiVe
Rasha, did you notice that you mostly find the Jewish comments under "Anonymous" and we mostly put our names? It's exactly like their "Anonymous" identities and history, and our rightness and attic faith! So as you said they're absolutely cowards.
Bisan, don't bother yourself, Zionist is Zionist , they can't see anything in their little dark brains except for killing, money & the despite of any person out of their minority, simple facts like this post make them go screwy, so let the dogs bark :-)
Believer, you're just right, and from our believes this "quick reminder" came out!
such a deep symbolic poster. Viva palestine ...
Glad you're a believer. It is something that you'll be able to take to your grave.
Toom bad for you that you will not live to see Israel be destroyed. Neither will your children, their children and their shildren to the 100th generation.
Only the sinking of the whole area under the sea would couse the end of israel.
Certainly not the incompetents you're related to.
No sir, the dream is more closer than you think, in 2000 you pulled out of south Lebanon, in 2005 out of Gaza, and soon out of our life forever
We Palestinians believe "the harder the struggle the greater the triumph"
Jerusalem is the land of all religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It’s so ironic how such a land can hold such tension, fear, and bloody battles. A place that is supposed to be the land of peace is the land of war, thanks to the brutality and selfishness of mankind.
Humans when unleashed… untamed, are the worst of all beasts, mad dogs listening to nothing but their noises.. no voice of reason can reach out further than their eardrum, not even the words of their creator..
My grandmother still owns the key of her home in yafa, she still holds the moans and yearnings of every Palestinian who passed her by fleeing from his own land in 1948, within her is the belief that she passed to us.. It’s the key to our return.
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