04 April, 2007

Picture Balata & Hope projects

Check out Picture Balata project, what a great one!
Here is a slideshow:

Many thanks to Samah Atout for telling me about it. Samah was Born in Nablus, Palestine, educated in there and Castellon, Spain.

She is a Founder of several social projects, including Project Hope, a non-profit volunteer organization whose goal is to provide a participatory, educational space for Palestinian youth and children, Check it out. “I’m now in political lobbying in Brussels… and simply Palestinian!” said Samah.


Anonymous said...

Well seeing this footage just reaped my hart out. Riding all there fillings and how the wish for one peaceful night just mead me realize how we as Arabs we as Palestinians just forgot about the howl subject we are not even doing any kinds of protests agents it and I don’t me violence or terrorism just expressing it verbally.

Well from time to time you might seat in a gathering and some one might bring up the topic but there are no real reactions just the “yah I know we should do something” B.S. but and the end I am happy that there is one place that I can fell that there are still people how care about this topic and its khobbeizeh. So keep up the great job Hamood because we need people like you in times like these.

Anonymous said...

and this blog is a big hope as well!
thank you very much for highlighting this, it's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

wajja3tili albi Samah :'(

bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

Pardon me while we take the next trick, remarked Evelyn with a laugh quite as light and gleeful as his phentermine own, and disappeared into the hall.. The matter yielded by an analysis of the dream stands in intimate relationship with the dream content, but this relationship is so special that I should never have been able to phentermine have inferred the new discoveries directly from the dream itself.. The new fact that we have advair learned from the analysis of the psychopathological formations, and indeed from their first member, viz...

Anonymous said...

Mohammad ... we're you just on Nakshet Mokh?

It was funny

mohammad alQaq said...

thanx all :-)

Qwaider, yes it was me ,LOL, i didn't hear it! I'm in the states now :-(