This song is awesome! a mood swinging, dancy and beautiful combination of Rock, Arabian and Jazz melodies... it's
Aziz Maraka & his Razz band! His new album will be out soon, I can't wait! I think he's very original & unique. Oh, and finally someone is singing amazingly in our "madani" accent:
download the song
I agree
its very nice song, how can i download it?
thanks for the support man
anonymous, download it from Aziz maraka website, or from my odeo link here:
Moey, you're most welcome :-)
it's truly so original! never heard of this guy, but he is very interesting. thank you mo for your original sharing as well :)
I designed the site, do you like it?
i know moey, and yes i do like it actually, it's very decent, and looking forward to see the final one :-)
the song is slower than the original version!
true! I've already tried to solve that "weird" problem! it's not working out. plz try to download it from the mentioned links.
Mohammad you say "finally someone is singing amazingly in our madani accent" tayyeb emmm how about Yazan El Roussan?! Different style.. but I just love his style.. regular dude from Jordan singing about whatever gets into his mind! I love his songs! :)
All people know how much I love Aziz's songs... I always quote him while talking about missing 3amman.. "fhemt lesh el manfi makhno2.. lesh el 7oot biyerdash 3an el may yesta'3ni.. lesh el moj 3al shat lazem yerja3 lal mu7eet"..
hehe msh tabee3i shu inno quotable!! :D
"ibsar meen be2olli 3adi.. tab ta3al makani" ..."imsa3 la t2olli.. keef bidha tHoon? lessa halla2 halla2 halla2 halla2 3am ba7ki... la7ali!!" ouch! :(
محمد الأغنية مقرفة بكل معنى الكلمة، ما عمري سمعت أبشع منها لا كلمات ولا صوت.... وعلى فكرة بسبب هاي الأغنية مش عم بحب أسمع مزاج بخاف تطلعلي ويتعكر مزاجي!!! مش فاهمة كيف عجبتك شكلو زوءك بالأغاني صاير................!!!! الأحسن ما أحكي
abeer, yes indeed i love yazan elroussan, but as you said he's different, sarcastic, more into monologue, and sometimes jazzy :-) thanx for the quotes, LOL :-)
anonymous, well it's all about taste,
i think this song is brilliant!
never heard of him! but oh God, he's absolutely wonderful! i loved his songs. thank you very much
i really love this song!! w i think enha nahfehhh!!!
I gotta love your blogs man!
And I'm loving the song! For me, I've never heard anyone sing in the Palestinian/Jordanian accent!! Wow! Someone finally broke the whole Lebanese/Egyptian/Khaleeji cliche-d songs! Wow!
GuyZ I need to download Aziz`s song taba3 el tawjeehi .. the one he sang at JARA,, anyone knows where to get it..
الاغنية نهفة
لحنها وتوزيعها
كتيييير راقية
مش شرط يعتبرها الواحد اغنية
بس اشي جديد
والاغنية مش لهالدرجة بتخوف
شوية دعم بليز
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