بعد أغنية "سقطت سهواً"، أقدم لكم أغنية "شوية كلام" موسيقى وإنتاج يوسف قعوار، غناء محمد القاق، كلمات محمد القاق ويوسف قعوار. تجربة جديدة أرجو أن تنال إعجابكم
After "Saqatat Sahwan", I would like to present the new song "Shwayyet Kalam/ Some Talk", Music written & produced by Yousef Kawar, Vocals by mohammad alQaq and lyrics by mohammad alQaq & Yousef Kawar. Hope you'll like it.
سنين.. موجات كتير، تغيير
وين رايحيين، مش عارفين
بالي قصير صار
عن دربي
ياعمي روحوا عني بعيد
كيف الزمن مش مفهوم
و الكون سكونه غريب
ضو نجومه بغيب
والأرض بتلف والشمس بتغفى ع البكير
والهم مكتوب والعقل كبير صغير كتير
والناس رايحين جايين معلقين بالخيال والتفكير
والدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول معقول
والدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول معقول
شوية كلام خرافات
و السكة طويلة يا ويل
مفرق توصل عليه
والهم مكتوب والشمس بتغفى ع البكير
والأرض بتلف والعقل كبير صغير كتير
والناس ماكلين شاربين ونايمين مو لاقيين أي تفسير
الدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول، معقول
والناس أسماء وأدوار، معقول، معقول
ووين رايحيين مش فاهمين، عارفين، عارفين
سنين وموجات كتير، كتير، كتير
و بالي طويل صار، تغيير، تغيير
ياعمي روحوا بعيد، لبعيد، لبعيد
وين رايحيين، مش عارفين
بالي قصير صار
عن دربي
ياعمي روحوا عني بعيد
كيف الزمن مش مفهوم
و الكون سكونه غريب
ضو نجومه بغيب
والأرض بتلف والشمس بتغفى ع البكير
والهم مكتوب والعقل كبير صغير كتير
والناس رايحين جايين معلقين بالخيال والتفكير
والدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول معقول
والدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول معقول
شوية كلام خرافات
و السكة طويلة يا ويل
مفرق توصل عليه
والهم مكتوب والشمس بتغفى ع البكير
والأرض بتلف والعقل كبير صغير كتير
والناس ماكلين شاربين ونايمين مو لاقيين أي تفسير
الدنيا أسماء وأدوار، معقول، معقول
والناس أسماء وأدوار، معقول، معقول
ووين رايحيين مش فاهمين، عارفين، عارفين
سنين وموجات كتير، كتير، كتير
و بالي طويل صار، تغيير، تغيير
ياعمي روحوا بعيد، لبعيد، لبعيد
What a nice surprise from Khobbeizeh and Kawar!
This song deserves a very nice video, so get on with it!
jad jad....amazing!!!!!it's such a wonderful song,with great voice & great melody too....goodluck for both of u hamood & foofes....
Thanks Ahmad, Sara :) enjoy it guys
Mhammad, thanks for you fantastic warm voice wooohoooo i need a vacation right now.. See you soon
Great work dude ... keep it up :)
I love it :)
Found the song in my inbox this morning, it was pleasant hearing it.
Good luck man
Way to go! Great song!
You are so talented, Mohammed. I enjoyed listening to your song. Beautiful lyrics!!
Well done cousin … but in the future either you increase your voice volume or decrease the music volume
Bravo ya mhmad, you're becoming a superstar jad :) i loved it so much. i just have one comment that the music is much louder than your voice in too many areas, so i felt there is something wrong. but again ya3teekoum el 3afyeh, keep it up :)
Mabrouk el new single betjanen wo Kteeeeeeeeeer 7elweh
Love it ,Thanks
الأغنية رائعة جداّ وفيها إحساس غنائي عالي جداّ تقنياً، تظهر براعةأدائك وصوتك يا محمد، مع أنني متأكد أن قدرات صوتك تفوق ذلك بكثير، لكن أكيد ستتاح لك فرص أفضل لإظهار ذلك. الموسيقى جميلة جداّ، وجديدة و لكن عتبي على يوسف قعوار أنه لا بد أن يتعامل مع الغناء بطريقة مختلفة وأن يفتح مساحة لإظهار الصوت أثناء الغناء بدلاّ من تضليل المستمع بصوت موسيقى أعلى من الغناء مما أفقدني بعض الإحساس أثناء الإستماع و أخفى العديد من الكلمات. مرة أخرى أهنئك على الإنجاز و إلى الأمام
نتالي الدرة
very touching performance! music is great too. Mabrook and keep it up :)
good production, a nice song & a great melody.. quite very different from سقطت سهوا
Gets you in a different mood .. makes me feel dizzy & lost
Great Song.....alf mabrook .i realy love it...keep on singing mohammad....waiting for the video
i very very very much liked the music style.
your voice has great potentials in this type of presentations, which i would love to see more of in out arabic music arena.
however, in spite of the good ideas behind the lyrics, to be honest, they were the weakest link in the whole thing.
Monotonous music. Singing is bland. Lyrics did not move me musically or meaning wise.
I commend your attempt to experiment and your courage to share this, but this simply doesn't work for me.
Thank you all for your comments :) LOVE & PEACE
nice try :) but the music to me looked so flat and empty and it's obvious that your voice is very limited and with no feelings. It's like listening to a narration that will put you immediately to sleep.
i still appreciate your courage :) keep it up :)
Well done Mohammed... I like the song very much... the lyrics is the thing that touched me the most... but... the lyrics demand a sequel... what comes after all this "Kalam"...
I like the music and in fact I liked that it had control over your voice rather than the other way around... that way... your voice is just another instrument in this musical piece... not sure is this is what you wanted... but any how I liked it that way...
Good work you and Yousuf.... Keep up the good work... we need that...
anonymous you don't have to like this kind of music but its really good to see you writing a comment. we love music :)
salwa at least you felt you want to sleep ;) it is a feeling and thanks for taking time to comment on this song.
super.devoika thanks for you understanding comment
Maher Hanhan at 10:15am July 12
man you and yusef bada3atooooo the new song is really nice :0
Yousef Kawar at 11:06am July 12
thanks maher :) c u soon
Salman Dawood Al-Saffar at 11:36am July 12
well done ... amaaaaaaazing :-)
Abdullah Al-Khalidi at 11:20am July 13
really amazing track, the music production is just perfect, the lyrics are just affective and strong...
what can i say more...just amazing work
Yousef Kawar at 11:37am July 13
thanks abdullah :)
Sariah Rida at 9:42am July 12
I loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kteeer ... i want it !! lol from where can i download it ya moeeeeeee
Maher Hanhan at 10:14am July 12
mr mohamad the new song is woooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
Dana Mismar at 1:29pm July 12
had kalam mush shway..kteeeeer 7elo music,lyrics,vocals r soo Bretty.. keep goin QaaaaaaQ
& thanx 4 email.. im special:P
Bashar Haddad
Bashar Haddad at 3:19pm July 12
all the luck abu alqaq,,, nice song ,, keep up the good work'..:)
Yousef Kawar at 7:02pm July 12
Bravo ya moe :) amazing
Luai Omar Qutob at 8:54pm July 12
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ....eshi fa5er 3al 2a5er ;)
Ammar Qutob at 1:20am July 13
No Comment ya 3azeze.....A Beautiful Song With ABeautiful Voice......Keep on Singing man
Essam Abu Awad
Essam Abu Awad at 2:44pm July 13
Is it all in the mind, can we look no further?
wish you good luck.
Yousef Kawar at 7:02pm July 12
Mabroooooooooook :)
Rana Khoury at 7:09pm July 12
am in LOVE with it.. everything.. everything =)
PERFECT xoxoxx
Basel Al-Hadi at 7:11pm July 12
mabrook QaaQ basha i like it good job both of u..Kawar mabrook kaman =)
Mosaab Mustafa
Mosaab Mustafa at 8:30pm July 12
amazing hammoodeh! you're so hot right now!
Nuha Atallah
Nuha Atallah at 8:32pm July 12
abu 7maid 3an jad ra2e3a 3anjad el ham kbeer w mo 3arfeen wain ray7een..ebda3
Khaled Anabtawi at 10:49pm July 12
منيحه بس كان لازم صوتك اوضح والتوزيع الموسيقي اكتر والبيس اعلى
Very nice Mohammed and Yousef, didn’t know that you sing but very well done
mohammad...... shu hal ugnieh il hileh hay??! your voice is so beautiful and the music is just perfect. It's international image to our music scene
good luck to you and the great kawar
we need more
Hi Mo, how are you.
what's really lovely about you as a person is the too many activities that you add to the social life in Amman, so you have this ability to experience different platforms, and guess what? you always make it! Yup :)
this song is just wonderful, though my understanding to Arabic is very little, but I can hear a beautiful voice, very different from other Arabic voices that i heard, it has this touch of warm/depth/ very mature.
The music is great too, and moving. it has a different perspective, i just felt it's a bit loud at some parts, and has some wrong timing/delay in following the beat at other parts. those are my only comments, i just wanted to criticize what i heard as an artist, but again all in all i would consider it a very good one.
wish you all the best that you deserve
Marko Luitpold
الأ غنية بتجنن الله يوفقك
Hi Mohammad, first of all, I'd like to say thank you so much for this mature song.
Your voice, music, melody's is great and different. I like it and good luck
nice try khobizeh,it's a very good song that i would listen to it many times, but if i want to go into details, i would agree with a couple of comments above that said that the music needs improvement, even if the aim was to make something new, you guys should pay attention to those mistakes. dealing with vocals is the most important thing that any composer should pay attention to.
however its nice to hear you singing since i never did before, you got the real voice boy! and never heard any of kawar's work as well. and by the way, the other song (in fos7a) is a good one too, even better than this one in my opinion! so thank you for your post and good luck
I've always loved simple and deep music plus it has crystal clear sound :) keep it up
Touching, really!
great job, may Allah bless ya both =]
إلى كل القراء والأحباء والأصدقاء
شكراً شكراً شكراً على الكلام الرائع والتشجيع والدعم المستمر والنقد الجميل
فقط أود أن أذكر ملاحظة إرتفاع صوت الموسيقى على صوت الغناء، بما أنها أكثر الملاحظات تكراراً، وأجاوب بأن ذلك أسلوب ورؤية جديدة تعود ليوسف كونه ملحن الأغنية، وأيضاً برأيي هو أسلوب غير متعارف عليه في أغلب الأغاني العربية، لذلك قد يجده البعض غريباً على الأذن
شكراً مرة أخرى
محمد القاق
ايها القاق المبدع
اقدم شكري للعزيز عمر الدي اوصل لي موقع مدونتك ، فتعرفت لمبع جديد في عالم الفن الاردني الرقيق
الاغنيه دات جادبيه خاصه ومميزه والموسيقى جماليه وتشنف الاذن ، ولا اتفق مع القائلين بعلوها ، فانا افترض ا ن تكون مخارج الكلمات رقيقه لاتهدر هرا
وعدبه لانطغى على الموسيقى
اهنؤك واشجع نبوغك
انا من اكي الخبيزه ومشترييها ، وفي الشتاء تترعرع الخبيره في حديقه منزلي ، واترك بعضها للنوومو فتصل سامقه لعلو متر وزياده
تقبل احترامي
تحياتي للسيد محمد القاق - الخبيزه-
ملاحظه هامه
الي عرفني على الموقع وعلى حضرتك هو
السيد عمار عمر القطب
والشكر لكما
اضافه للتعليق السابق
Nice.. the music.. your voice mohammed.. and the words.. everything is beautiful...:)
I am pleasantly surprised... it is very different from the other one... I have a soft spot for Saqat Sahwan, but this makes more sense :)
I like the fact that your soongs are intellectual in nature :)
Hey, do you consider singing to non-electronic music...?
Another brilliant song , music .... mush ma3-2ool ya shabab, in the bigging i wish there was a saxophone interpret, the "Pink Floyd" style .... i am not a musician ... so dont care about wt i say :) what i meant is ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlY-JlE5ZCo&feature=related wish u all the best ... i am really happy to know about ur music and songs and your blog ....
this is so nice I didn't know before you have such a wonderful musical voice...
wish u the best ever ....
U really reserve the best....
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