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Age counter in khobbeizeh's profile page turned into number 30 ...

All my dear friends came over my place

Lots of goodies

A big mess

Lots of gifts

and cash ;-)

khobbeizeh was on my card :-)

Thank you so much everyone for making my 30th birthday a wonderful and memorable day, speechless, really! I love you all :-)
بارك الله لك في عمرك يا حمّودة
It seems that I have missed a lot! I am very happy you had a great day with a great crowd. Not to forget the great goodies! Yum yum!
30 is a nice number, and as we said, it is your "Carrefour" now. :)
May Allah guide you to the right path.
These spiritual window-shoppers,
who idly ask, 'How much is that?' Oh, I'm just looking.
They handle a hundred items and put them down,
shadows with no capital.
What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.
But these walk into a shop,
and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment,
in that shop.
Where did you go? "Nowhere."
What did you have to eat? "Nothing much."
Even if you don't know what you want,
buy _something,_ to be part of the exchanging flow.
Start a huge, foolish project,
like Noah.
It makes absolutely no difference
what people think of you.
- Rumi
Happy birthday!:)
Sweet Qaq, HaPPy biRthDAY:D
I love your spirit and your kindness... you are simiply SOOOOOOOOO soooo Amazing
luff u loads
you look 21 22 max!! :-) happy birthday ya ahla Mohammed on this earth, best wishes
Hey Mohammad:)
We all had a great time and it is a blessing to have you as a friend.
You Bring happiness to all your friends with your kind heart and your own charm;)
May this year be a Fruitful year for u Insha'Allah:)
Hope you enjoyed the jaj ma7shi! now when can I have my Tanjara and pyrexat back!?!!!
Bidna nutbokh!
Hi Mohammad, how are you doing? I hope you had a lovely weekend after your lovely party! Thank you for inviting me - I had a great time; it was really nice to see you again, and everyone I knew from work, and the people I didn't know from work!
I was having a read of your blog today, which was pretty interesting.Especially the bit about the film. I haven't seen it yet, but I know Nicholas Seeley; the guy who wrote about it for Jo magazine - small world eh? Also funny to see Amr Toukhy involved - am working on a film, for Rubicon, with him at the moment. And your photos of the party are nice too. If you have and of them you could email to me, that would be cool.
take care
never expected your age! mo you really look much younger, mashalla :-)any secrets? ;-) happy birthday my friend, el3omor kolloh :-)
كل سنة وانت طيب
i wish u a very happy new year,filled with joy and happiness
happy birthday :-)
thank you thank you everyone, jad speechless ...
zein abu hassan, el tanjara fi elsayara, 7amleeny ejmeleh 3ala hal jajtain, LOL
bashar, i look younger because i do plastic surgeries ...he he he, baya'7a, well thanx, but hope to get the same comments in 40s or 50s ( enn allah a7yana ) :-)
such a sweet person you, Happy Birthday :-)
Hilarious, loooooooollllllll
I am so sorry I was out of town and missed it. It looks like you had a wonderful time and I would have liked to meet all the interesting people who call you friend! Senna Jay en sha Allah. May you 30's be full of blessing and thriving!
haPPy bIrTHdAy :)
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