ستاربكس: من أخطر أدوات الإرهاب الصهيوني في العالم
شعاره مشهور جدا في كل مكان، كشهرة أي منتج صهيوني، مثل كوكاكولا، نستله، ماركس اند سبنسر، ماكدونالدز، برجر كينج... فالإعلام دائماً لصالحهم كما نعلم، ولكن لستاربكس حكاية خاصة جدا... فشعاره عباره عن صورة الملكة "إستير" التي حمت اليهود من"الإضطهاد" كما يزعمون. وهو أمر عادي لأنّ مالك ستاربكس هو رجل الأعمال المشهور هوارد شولتز، من أبرز أركان اللوبي الصهيوني في الولايات المتحدة. ومن ذاك اللوبي تصدر جميع الأوامر والقرارات الخاصة بأي فرع من فروع هذا المقهى في العالم. غريب جدا، اليس كذلك؟ فنجان قهوة بإدارة لوبي؟ يا ساتر يا رب! ولكن لماذا؟!
هوارد شولتز هو يهودي صهيوني نشط جدا، متعصب إلى أبعد الحدود للجيش الإسرائيلي الذي يمده سنوياً بمئات الملايين والتي يحصدها من ستاربكس، وهو أحد أبرز المسؤولين عن تطوير السلاح لديهم وعن توصيل التبرعات لهم من الجهات الأخرى. تم تكريمه في اسرائيل بمناسبة مرور 50 عام على تأسيس دولتهم وذلك لخدماته "الخاصة" التي قدمها لإستمراريتهم، كما كرمته وزارة خارجية إسرائيل كواحد من أكثر المخلصين المروجين لإسرائيل، إضافة الى محاضاراته في أميركا وإسرائيل التي يقوم فيها بترويج الكيان الصهيوني.
الأسخف من كل ذلك هو إنتشار هذا المقهى في كثير من البلدان العربية، والأدهى و الأمَر اللذين يذهبون الى تلك المؤسسة الإرهابية بحجة احتساء القهوه تحت قناع التباهي! وعلى شو يا حسره! بصراحه، وكما نقول "سمّ الهاري" لكل شخص يعرف تلك الحقيقة ويصّر على الذهاب إلى هناك. الحاضر يخبّر الغايب
هوارد شولتز هو يهودي صهيوني نشط جدا، متعصب إلى أبعد الحدود للجيش الإسرائيلي الذي يمده سنوياً بمئات الملايين والتي يحصدها من ستاربكس، وهو أحد أبرز المسؤولين عن تطوير السلاح لديهم وعن توصيل التبرعات لهم من الجهات الأخرى. تم تكريمه في اسرائيل بمناسبة مرور 50 عام على تأسيس دولتهم وذلك لخدماته "الخاصة" التي قدمها لإستمراريتهم، كما كرمته وزارة خارجية إسرائيل كواحد من أكثر المخلصين المروجين لإسرائيل، إضافة الى محاضاراته في أميركا وإسرائيل التي يقوم فيها بترويج الكيان الصهيوني.
الأسخف من كل ذلك هو إنتشار هذا المقهى في كثير من البلدان العربية، والأدهى و الأمَر اللذين يذهبون الى تلك المؤسسة الإرهابية بحجة احتساء القهوه تحت قناع التباهي! وعلى شو يا حسره! بصراحه، وكما نقول "سمّ الهاري" لكل شخص يعرف تلك الحقيقة ويصّر على الذهاب إلى هناك. الحاضر يخبّر الغايب
Starbucks: one of the most dangerous Zionist-terrorism tools in the world!
Their logo is very popular like any other Zionist product, such as Coca Cola, Nestle, Marks & Spencer, MacDonalds, Burger King… As we know, the media is always there for them, but Strabucks has a very special story. The logo represents "Queen Esther" who saved the Jews from oppression as they claim, and that's very normal because it's owned by the famous business man Howard Schultz, one of the Jewish lobby members in the U.S, and that lobby is managing Starbucks around the world, very weird, isn't it?? A cup of coffee managed by a lobby! What the hell?
Howard Schultz is an active Zionist, extremely sectarian for the Israeli army. He is supporting them with hundred of millions yearly from Starbucks' income, and he's one of the major sponsors of their weaponry, and an important fund raiser. He was honored by Israel with "The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" for his services to the Jewish state. His work as a propagandist for Israel has been warmly praised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as being vital to Israel’s long-term public relations' success. His activities include running propaganda seminars on behalf of Israel across campuses in both North America and Israel.
Now, what's really ridiculous is the popularity of that café in the Arab world, and what made it worse those who go to that terrorist foundation to drink their coffee and "show off"! For what! Honestly, to anybody who knows that truth and insist on going there, I say "samm el hari" or "with all bitterness". Spread the word.
i say sammel hari too
Hi hamoodi..
I'm not a fan of Starbucks, but i think that we should accompany such statements with research and solid facts. We know for a fact that Howard Schultz is a Jewish-American, and him personally funding zionist activities is very probable, but for the representation of Queen Esther in the logo, it's not that likely..
check the links below:
Thanx aboor,
The logo is something symbolic for them, it's not the main issue, and those links are more about advertising, ma I told you the media is always there for them! However there is a movie called "One Night with the King" it's the story of that queen. Omar Sharif, the famous Egyptian Jewish actor, is starring in it! anyways, maybe you can see:
Mohammad this post is really great, but the logo that you made is above everything and it's more than enough, it's sooooo clever, and it hits you once you look at it. Let's really spread the word, thanks man
Yea! That is fantastic! You should change your blog's slogan to: "Buy a coffee, kill a Palestinian child." Or perhaps: "Zionists: Can't live with them, can't dunk them in coffee." Actually this would fit better with the quality of this posting: "Going to Starbucks is worse than being a filthy Jew."
You are completely right, STARBUCKS is the terrorist ... not the actual terrorist/homicide bombers. Spread the word.
Mohammed, the world's hearts are with the Palestinian people suffering under the Zio-Huns' invasion. Your sacrifices will not be in vain. The seemingly endless stream of American dollars and weaponry will soon dry out, thanks to the collapse of their currency, and the Huns will run and hide. Be prepared for that day. Collect evidence of their crimes for the day or reckoning. Keep telling the world that you don't want to be second class citizens in their 19th century style colony.
Very good post; I've boycotted Starbucks for years, and tell my friends to avoid it also.
I am looking forward to reading more of your blog.
I'm so proud of you for doing this!!! I just wish that all those "yo yo" teenagers who go there every thursday, would comprehend the magnitude of their careless attitude. Keep the faith maqstee!
Salam Mohammad - Keep it going - Allah Yuf-ak :-)
To Andrew of Barbaria and his Likes...
It is unfortunate to see how “media puppets” you have become in the West, spoon-fed and harnessed by the hands of misinformed media who are called upon to pontificate on Islam and Arabs through talk shows and newspapers, producing monolithic images that have been residing in the Western mindset for hundreds of years. You stick your ears to CNN and Thomas Freidman sermons of Islam & the Palestinians. No doubt, therefore, you will instantly take what we say as pure fairy tales and utter nonsense, because in you mental dictionary, Palestine resides in mythical corners overshadowed by the illusion of Zionism.
I'm so happy and surprised to see all the wonderful bloggers & important journalist are commenting… um khalil, Andrew Winkler … Rashid who inspired me by his true story: http://roussan.blogspot.com/2005/09/we-cannot-do-anything-without-approval.html I really appreciate it.
Well, now for Andrew of whatever, I was very clear in the first post " zait o za3tar" when I said "the land of the Struggle and strugglers!" so homicide bombers… terrorists … call them as you really like sweetheart. Or since we're talking about Howard Schultz, your partner, you can repeat what he said once: "The Palestinians aren't doing their job, they're not stopping terrorism."… You guys are very scared, aren't you? get some coffee there and Calm down :-)
For the rest, thank you very much for your value "thumbprints".
Andrew of Barbaria. That's witty, I like it. Unfortunately, my high opinion of you fell dramatically after reading what followed.
You claim talk shows and newspapers produce monolithic images of the "Orient" that the common sheep, like myself, soak up. What conclusion should be drawn from the barrage of suicide attacks/car bombings/kidnappings/beheadings that assault western values? What is the ONLY conclusion that can be drawn? Are you angry that the media cover these acts, or is it because we see them? A free and liberal media does wonders for one's point of view.
You write that, "Wealthy Jews like Howard Schultz ... are helping with student projects, including seminars held in both Israel and North America, in which students hear Israeli presentations on the crisis." You condemn this man for advancing Israel and Judaism's reputation? Can Israel be blamed for worrying about its reputation when it is constantly berated and threatened by, not only its neighbours, but by the world community at large. As the Jew of the world, I suppose it is beyond the pale to ask for equal treatment among nations.
Zionism an illusion? The movement establishing and developing a Jewish state is hardly an illusion. In case you had not noticed, Israel is on the map to stay. That would be the opposite of an illusion.
By the way, I don't watch CNN. I rely exclusively on Oompa Loompa and Khobbeizeh.
Howard Schultz is my partner? I hope you don't mean to imply anything sexual ... because I'm taken!
I suppose I will have to watch my words from now on, and call them "freedom fighters." The only freedom that Hamas, or perhaps Islamic Jihad if you prefer, is fighting for, is the freedom to oppress and to stifle their fellow man in the name of Islam. It cannot be that the means to this end is worth the lives of so many innocent civilians.
Dolfin Disco
I don't think coffee can calm these nerves.
Don't go that deep Andrew, it's an occupation, and Palestinians have the right to do whatever they want to get their land back, it's that simple! And let's not talk about "watching the words" thing, it's a typical old boring game :-) drink more coffee :-)
"He is supporting them with hundred of millions yearly from Starbucks' income,"
-What's your source for this information?
Anonymous! so it might be you
your source is anonymous? that's not very convincing, is it? I'm all for the boycott movement, but if you don't present solid information, it undermines it. I don't see it anywhere here: http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-starbucks.html
Just take my word; I really can not give you the source! now it's up to you if you want to believe it or not. But usually those info are not available on the net!
Don't forget to check out this story:
آسف، انت مجنون؟ هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أقرأ بلوجك، وأفكر ان انت مجنون. الصورة على الشعار ستاربكس هي ملكة إستير؟
تخيّل!!! و ستاربكس صهيوني ؟؟؟ مش معقول ّ
Yil3an abu il yahoud ya khalti, mish mikhalyeen shi min sharhom
Mohammad, your Starsucks post has inspired Sydney based Rebel Media Group to launch an entirely new information site exlusively dedicated to Zionism (www.ziopedia.org). The two main features are a blog section for news and articles as well as a Wikipedia style encyclopedia.
The Rebel Media Group's chief editor and publisher Andrew Winkler envisages his new project to become a one-stop repository for information on Zionism and its supporters (individuals, corporations, political organisations). "I had the idea to this new site when I found out that Starbucks sends hundreds of millions of US Dollars each year to Israel to buy weapons. I thought that I am probably not the only person who would like to know if the profits of their purchases contribute to the ongoing suppression of the Palestinian people."
Andrew is currently looking for volunteers to act as editors and writers to help adding content to the new site. He can be contacted under editor@ziopedia.org.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أخي محمد...ومن يقرؤون هذه الكلمات...
لا شك أن ما ذكرته عن ذلك الصهيوني المتعصب وسلسلة المقاهي الصهيونية يلامس كبد الحقيقة...ولا اخالفك بشيء مما كتبته.ولكن!
ولكن ماذا نفعل لننأى بأنفسنا عن التعاطي مع رمز الصهيونية ونحمي انفسنا من أدواتها؟ هل نقاطع؟ هل نجابه؟ هل وهل وهل...؟
ببساطة اعتقد الإجابة سهلة واضحة... " تركت فيكم شيئين ان تمسكتم بهما فلن تضلوا...كتاب الله وسنتي" هذا حديث رسولنا عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم...حديث رُوٍيَ عن سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم قبل أربعة عشر قرنا ليجب عن تساؤلي الذي طرحته لكم...
أخي الحبيب_القرّاء الكرام...
أعجب من حالنا ..نموت عطشا ونبع الحياة بين أيدينا...نقتات على أنفسنا وكل الخير بين ظهرانينا... لنعد الى ديننا...لنعد لله....عندها لن يستطيع الصهاينة ان يجدوا متنفسا لهم بيننا وفي بلداننا.
لكم كل الشكر.
ThE FiVe
Dear Starbucks Customer,
First and foremost I want to thank you for making Starbucks the $6.4 billion global company it is today, with more than 90,000 employees, 9,700 stores, and 33 million weekly customers. Every latte and macchiato you drink at Starbucks is a contribution to the close alliance between the United States and Israel, in fact it is - as I was assured when being honoured with the “Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award” - key to Israel’s long-term PR success. Your daily chocolate chips frappucino helps paying for student projects in North America and Israel, presenting them with the badly needed Israeli perspective of the Intifada.
Andrew Winkler
ZioPedia - A Rebel Media Group Project
OHo ... even better ... Thank you Andrew, really.
Hi Abu Ihmeeeeeeeeed.... Fi3lan Jad Jad Sam El Hari Lalli Boro7o 3aleh......Wo Tislam Thommak.....Kalamak Sah 100% La Ghobar 3aleeeeeeeh...
Ammar Q.
Why do both sides of the boycott debate try to posit the argument in absolute terms. No it’s not possible to boycott all pro-Zionist products (nor is it desirable) and yes some products are worth boycotting because they have no value except to enrich the bastards and harden our arteries.
Junk food, coffee, and soda have nothing to do with the public good. Nor are the 100 odd low-tech, unskilled jobs they bring with them. But a research & development outfit or a CAT scan machine, is for the public good, if no substitutes can be found.
technology products, be it Intel or Microsoft, are essential for our economy and national security and technological evolution. Fatty burgers, fried chicken, and coffee are not essential for national security and do not add skilled workers to the Jordanian labor force.
At the end, what is needed is commonsense and a sincere desire to do some good espically when the price to be paid is nominal and is measured in terms of mild personal discomfort.
The boycott of Danish goods is a good example of the effectiveness of boycotts. Besides, 90% of boycotted Danish goods were not essential to our economy and had substitutes.
Now here comes my personal confession note. I can see how some of us simply must have that Starfucks cup and eat that McShit sandwich. It’s an addiction just like Marlboro (another American product that kills but we must buy it for the good of Jordan…right?) I had my share too.
I am not much better today but I am making an effort, and I am fine with the progress being made. No, I don’t claim to have stopped. But I have reduced my consumption down to 20% for some pro-zionst US products, and for others 100% reduction.
I used to drink Pepsi almost daily, but now, I drink it once a week and eventually I will phase it out. From 365 cans of pepsi per year to 50 cans, that to me is doing something. And I know that 50 cans of Pepsi is still too much. Of course I used to drink Sratfucks twice a day (600 cups per year plus newspaper and muffin), now I drink it may be less than 6 times a year. That to me is serious progress. Same with McShit.
I will no longer argue in defense of something so selfish and meaningless by trying to find flaws in the pro-boycott camp. No one is perfect, but those who care and are doing something about it, even if it’s not 100% perfect, are far more decent than those who feel no remorse and try to undermine the proactive anti-zionists.
But my biggest accomplishment is my admission of weakness, instead of the constant dishonest whitewash.
Ethaa bu’leetum Fa’stateroo.
Away from the identity and activities of the owner of Starbucks, the logo is in no way related to Esther; the jewish queen. Although, I thought it did after I recieved an email with misidentified pictures of the queen, I made some research. It turns out the logo is rooted in greek mythology; a creature called the Siren, half-female figure and half-fish, with twin tails. The logo of starbucks has developped from a copy of one of the famous sirens, to the one we see now, since in the older versions, the siren had her breasts revealed.
I believe it's important to base news on facts, otherwise it's rumors.
Is Carrefour also a product for Zionist!?
Hope you all wake up one day... too sad that people thinks of such stupid unreal stories while our planet and we are dying from simple rights of clean and safe environment to live in.... shift your focus dude to something useful than bla bla on starbucks, who are not zionists and are owned by some arabic man operating their brand in the middle east if i am not mistaken on that...
Thanks to all and be useful!
waaaaaaaaaal 3ala hal post ma atwalo !
ye7reg o5to hal Schultz mesh tarek wara wala daleel.keef bedna neqne3 halle mesh radyeen yqten3o tayeb.
yel3an 6ar6ag !
Yeah, and they also use the blood of Christian/Arab babies to make their biscotti and cookies. Let's continue to live in the middle ages when we were powerful.
I've heard all this talk about starbucks and how it supports the IDF etc etc. And I do think solid facts and proof of these claims should be provided as such claims can be found about any international company.
But regardless of whether its true or not, the question is where do you stop? Do you throw away your laptop and anything with an intel chip away because it supports Israel? Which is also a claimed 'fact'.
Or do you continue to boycott Starbucks coffee in Jordan that provides jobs and money for JORDANIANS who desperately need the cash?
PS the roots of the zionist lobby in the US goes way beyond starbucks and co.
for those who want proof
please check this link:
Juat to let you know that you are using Ziopedia (Which is like the Israeli version of Wikipedia, so its their own shit!!) as your source and at the bottom of the thank you letter it clearly says its a SPOOF (for your information that means its a creation-a fabrication-madeup-NOT REAL!)
Starbucks here and everywhere is run by the Alshaya Families one of the most respected Kuwaiti families that are heavily involved in ZAKAT (and the Private kind where they dont tell the whole world about the money they are donating-like it should be!!) and dont deal with Alcohol or pork products and are the employers of over 14,000 people in the Middle east. So had there been any truth to any of your rants and raves then believe me they would have put a stop to it.
YES Howard Schultz is a Jew, yes as many jews he supports Israel and maybe (ok scratch that Yes) he does donate his money to Israeli Charities, but if he does thats his own personal money which hes free to do whatever he wants to with and doesnt express starbucks or isnt from starbucks (Just as you as an indiviual would donate to any organization of your chosing, it wont mean that your company supports who you are donating to)
all this boycott talk is Bullshit unless you get the facts right and not from a chain-spam email letter that your aunty got and sent to everyone when she doesnt even know how to research or google anything.
Research before you forward and spread rumors
This is the first time for to see your site…I found it a little bit different and direct and I like that
About Starbucks …I strongly agree with you …our “show of “ will kill us…since when we can’t live without drinking coffee from Starbuck ….and the popularity of that café in the Arab world is exactly as you described …. (really ridiculous) …
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