Yesterday was Omar & Rana's wedding, Omar habibi you're such a wonderful friend, alf alf mabrook, the wedding was just great and we all had such a lovely time, I'll stop here for privacy purposes :-) however, this post is just to tell you about some cool bloggers were there …
The kind and funny Zeid, one of Talasim's creators
Sabri Hakim, but this time without his great camera :-) and he decided to keep his mysterious in this pic!
And now, the Co-founders of Jeeran, Omar & Laith.
the "groom" Omar on the left, Laith Zraikat on the right and myself "Khobbeizh" in the middle …oho yea … we don't look horrible :-)
as many know, Jeeran's bloggers community has grown tremendously since the launch of the service, reaching a count of more than 13,000 blogs to date making Jeeran the largest blogging community in the region.details.
oho by the way I have to switch to Jeeran soon :-)
Additional: Hani Mitwasi, the new young "Casanova" singer, was there :)
That is lovely :)
Cograts to my good friend Omar...
Alf alf mabrook
Lucky you guys, you got to see it first hand
Mohammad this post is amazing, and honestly you're so cute and gorgeous!
It was a great party. Never had so much fun :) It was great seeing you there mo.
nice bost :)
Correctiom Mo, we have 18,882 blogs to date :) but even at 13,000 we would still be the largest Arab blogging service today ;)
allah youstor 3alaik ya Khobaizeh
Qwaider I'm not sure if you're single or not, but 3o2balak in any case :-) i liked your blog.
Anonymous, allah yojbor be khaterkom, ya3ny thank you ktir " blush blush"
Laith, thanx habibi, pleasure was mine to see you there, inshalla Jeeran will stay the largest for good, thanx for the updates ;-)
zeid, I am fery fery habby that you lufed my bost.
sabri, allah yostor 3alaina kolna ya rab, bas inshalla camertak ma tefda7na on your blog :-)
Thanks Mohammad, Okbalak too (if you're already in the cage) bardo okbalak ittani HEHEHE
I'm shingle ya khook, allah ytoob 3alaina min el ghaseel, wil tabeekh ... wil mkhallal
And thank you very much for the nice words. You made my day ;-)
lah ya zalameh, faal allah wala falak, bala hamm :-)no need to thank me, walaw ;-)
seriuosly Khobbeizeh is extremely original! how come it's not everywhere? this is a very funny post :-) and i like when you give the finger from time to time to the scourings ( Israelis) . keep on the great work mohammed
shokran shokran ya Raed, lovely words.
scourings! he he he that's a good word for them ;-) keep visiting khobbeizeh to find more fingers!
Hi Mohammed! Nice blog and i loved the pics!! can you plz send them to my email?
This is Rana Masri the bride by the way ;) it was great having you at the wedding and i am glad you enjoyed it !
LOL :-)thanx Rana,and alf alf mabrook, the pleasure was all mine, we all were very happy. pics will be in your inbox today inshalla, allah eywafe2kom :-)
whos that guy on the left?? OMG
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