من تابع مدونتي ، خبيزه، منذ البداية، يعلم أن مقال "ستاربكس/ سمّ الهاري" كان من أكثر المقالات التي أثارت ضجه، وعرَفت الناس بهذه المدونه، مش مهم... مع مرور الوقت بدأت بإستقبال أكثر من إيميل بأشكال مختلفه تحوي هذا المقال، لكن للأسف بدون أي مرجع لمدونتي، يحفظ حقوق ما كتبت، كمان مش مهم! وقلت لنفسي "خلّي الناس تستفيد"... لكن ما إستفزّني فعلاً هو ما قامت به مجلة المجتمع مؤخراً
في ذاك المقال قمت بتغيير في تصميم شعار ستاربكس ليحكي قصة مؤامره صهيونيه وراء تلك القهوه، والله وكيلكم، قامت مجلة المجتمع بأخذ هذا الشعار كما هو ليتصدّر غلافها وأحد صفحاتها الداخليه في أحد الأعداد مؤخراً! ومش بس هيك! قاموا بإزالة شعار حقوق الطبع لخبيزه ليصبح بالتالي شعاراً لهم
هذا الشعار لم يأخذ منّي جهداً يُذكر، بل أن هذا الموضوع قد لا يعني لي شيء بجانب القصة التي تعرضت لها منذ عامين، حيث قام أحد المحتالين بدون علمي، بتسليم شعار، من تصميمي، لواحده من الشركات الكبرى في الأردن والعالم، وللأسف تمت الموافقه عليه، وأصبح الآن واحدا من أشهر وأنجح الشعارات الموجوده! لن أذكر تفاصيل أو أسماء لأنها قصة منتهيه حالياً، لكن السؤال هو: إلى متى سوف يستمر إنتهاك حقوق الغير؟ وهل سيأتي يوم تصبح فيه حقوق الملكيه الفكريه في بلادنا العربيه حقٌ مكتسب؟ قد ألوم مجلة المجتمع على تجاوز غير مقبول أبداً، ولكن هناك لوم أكبر يقع على عاتق كل شخص منّا سمح لهذه الظاهره بأن تستمر، وتمادى في "اللطش" وإستعمال ملكيات الغير من موسيقى ومقالات وصور... حتى أصبحت ظاهره مباحة للإستعمال كيفما شئنا! والله عيب
Did you do anything about it?
BTW your name is soo cool..I love khobbeizeh..
hi there Mohahmed it is me Amgad again .
I really appreciate your point and when i asked for your premission that was before i read your post "walahy" .
i really see this is the one of the things that restain the creation urge and motive to all arabs and Egyptians particularly,anyway your post is really great .
thanks ya basha and god bless
Hello Mohammed,
Man! you should take some action! send this F****ING mag (they;re so rude) a letter! they should publish an apology to you!!
salam, about which story exactly? thanx,I love Khobbeizeh too :-)
Amgad, maybe you can put your name under others instead of anonymous :-) however,all the blogs are open to share whatever you want from their contents, that's the idea behind the blog. anyways, Khobbeizeh is giving you the permission for all the posts :-) & thanx a lot for your support
Yousef, i believe that i sent them a letter, but no response so far!
I totally agree with you about our need for respecting the patency of inventions but there always the debate of the line betwen patency and monopoly, everbody felt the problem during the last world cup,and this problem on issue of Entertainment what about more serious issues like medication .
Am sorry for that Mohammad!
Till copy rights become enforced in the Arab world (in Jordan specifically), which won't be any sooner than a couple of thousand years, everyone must take the responsibility of protecting their ideas and creations on their own.
Regarding images and photography I believe protection is definitely an easy task; basically everybody is capable of adding semi-transparent layers over his/her own designs which would require like hours of fine work to clean up.
Never let a bare design out, there's just too many wolves out there.
تصادف أن جماعة من المدونين المصريين يناقشون الآن أساليب التصرف مع صحافيين سرقوا من المدونات في مناسبات عديدة
هل تصدق أن يسرق صحفي سبع تدوينات من مدونة واحدة و ينشرها في صفحة واحدة في صحيفة؟
نفكر في جمع هذه السرقات و توثيقها في مكان واحد لتجريس هؤلاء الصحافيين و إصداراتهم حتى تلزم المؤسسات الصحفية ذواتها بمعايير أكثر صرامة.
you're absolutely right, we always have to protect our work, but sometimes the "watermark" spoil the artwork, so we have to be very careful when we add it. let's hope for a better copyrights inchalla :s & don't worry, "wolves" are my specialty now :-)
thanx for el ta3seebeh, inchall khair :-(
the list is very long i know, and we really have to solve that!
ألف، شكراً على المعلومات القيمه، فعلاً هذا أمر محزن جداً، وأنا متأكد أن هناك سرقات أكثر بكثير لكنها لم تكشف بعد! نعم، يجب الوقوف ضد هؤلاء الأفراد
please tell us who took that logo you made 2 years ago, I'm very curious to know! please
Mohannad I'm really sorry, afraid that i can't tell you :-( but I'm sure that one day you'll know!
those al mujtama3 magazine and everyone like them are just a trash people, they have to be boycotted so they'll learn a lesson. let's work on our problems first, '7awanah menna o feena
guys slow down a bit. don't report it and do nothing about it. did u stop to think that by altering the starbucks coffee logo in the first place YOU are stealing intellectual property?? :) lol
so now u are upset that the others took this fake logo and published it!! let me get this right, u want to have credit and pride in altering other intellectual property??
one more thing. before claiming that others stole your intellectual property such as trademarks and logos, u should REGISTER it at the government commerce agency to protect it. i am sure that even if u attempt to do so, u would have been rejected not just because it looks similar to starbucks trademark, but also becauses it is an intellectual property infringement in the first place.
I agree with you, in the arab world we should start to protect other's intellectual properties!!
god bless u all!
dear Bilal I'm afraid that you misunderstood the concept. I'm sure that you've noticed that I didn’t create any logo to sell, register or to get credits. I changed StarBucks' logo on purpose to serve my idea in the original post. It can't be that obvious :-)
that kind of art called "Constructivism" (when you want to detract or fustigate a specific thing) it's also used much in the Caricatures, and Fabricated videos that make fun of a specific person or situation. So even if it's simple, it's my idea and my work! This is not a show off, but it might be helpful just to know that I worked a lot with the copyrights, and that's normal when you're in the design field. I once joined SACD in Paris as well; it's one of the best & oldest authors rights' collective management society in the world. The experience there was amazing, so elhamdella I have a good knowledge of copyrights. Then believe me I'm not upset, I'm just disappointed from what's happening. thanx
I don’t see why you should be upset. You created some hate material based on a prejudiced story you read someplace saying Starbucks is pro Zionist or some such thing. The hateful thought that created in your heart lead you to create the hateful material that you published on your blog. Through your blog you were able to spread the hate to someone else that spread it to others using a magazine. Mission accomplished on all levels is would appear.
So is all you are upset about that you didn’t get to cash in on the hate you helped to spread and create?
are you the same last anonymous? sorry, i guess nothing of what you've said is understandable, however, please reread my previous comment, it's clear enough. thanx
Hey Mohammad
no it wasn't me who posted the last comment, though I was the one who posted the message #13.
I have two points to say:
first: I think the person who wrote the last comment overreacted. Although his point was fully understandable. Alot of Arabs are drawn to the fact that western corporations are pro Zionists. alot of them are. but that is not a "solid" reason to boycott or alter any intellectual property of theirs. I am pro choice. If i boycott starbucks because of such fact, then i don't push others to do so.
secondly: I always like the way you reply to offenders. u are always calm and easy and i respect that in you very much. its good to learn to accept other views while they are opposite to one's personal views.
I still don't see the connection between your starbucks altered logo and the art of constructivism. i think there is a fine line between bashing something (or someone) and making fun of it for the sake of constructivism. do u think the caricature of Mohammad last year falls in the art of constructivism?
anyways, ur website is one of my bookmarks, i like it and i check it regularly. and please keep adding videos of Amman and its gossip because I MISS IT LIKE CRAZY!
peace out
Exactly, Message # 13 is the same anonymous (Bilal) I was talking about :-)
Anyways, though copyrights is the main subject, I believe, for a fact, that Starbucks is a dangerous Zionist foundation … it's not only Starbucks, history is full of conspiracies, against our nation, that we have to "squash"! & that's my point of view that I'm trying to show in some of my posts, and thanx a lot for appreciating my blog, it's my honor. Of course I won't push anyone to do anything; I can not under estimate people's intelligence. At the end it's a post, you either like it or not, it's your choice. But believe me, the Truth is always there when you want to look for it!
Yes, the recent caricatures of prophet Mohammad, peace be on him, are unfortunately under the constructivism art, but it's a totally different subject, cause at the end, I will never go beyond my limits since I respect all religions.
Keep coming :-)
What do you Expect from an Arabic magazine :S
inta kaman?
this happened just yesterday
some people are just not creative enough to do the work,so stealing your design looked like ok for them.
sar lazemna naqabeh ya mohammed..:S
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