at the beginning i was laughing on the way that you presented the idea, and the conversation itself, and then i realized how bad is the situation, hasbona allah wa ne'ama alwakeel... brilliant post
I wish we as Arabs can be better and more humane, it hurts that we are doing nothing believing that there is nothing we can do, while in fact we have a great weapon, its called boycotting… and lets say boycotting does nothing, how can anyone of us go buy an American or a British product knowing that the money we spend buying these products is going to kill our kids and brothers in Lebanon, Palestine, or Iraq. It's time for us all to start boycotting for the sake of our kids, people and lands.
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
at the beginning i was laughing on the way that you presented the idea, and the conversation itself, and then i realized how bad is the situation, hasbona allah wa ne'ama alwakeel... brilliant post
والأوضاع بعد هذا المقال أصبحت أسوأ بكثير، الله ينصر نصر الله، ونشكرك يا محمد على أفكارك النيّره والتي أتابعها باستمرار
Thank you all... and indeed; hasbona allah wa ne3ma alwakeel...
sorry its nt the right time, but your pic in the msn window is really amazing!
I wish we as Arabs can be better and more humane, it hurts that we are doing nothing believing that there is nothing we can do, while in fact we have a great weapon, its called boycotting… and lets say boycotting does nothing, how can anyone of us go buy an American or a British product knowing that the money we spend buying these products is going to kill our kids and brothers in Lebanon, Palestine, or Iraq. It's time for us all to start boycotting for the sake of our kids, people and lands.
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